our Library
GIA Library is a Knowledge hub containing rich and comprehensive high-quality information resources on architectural design, building construction, structural engineering, landscape architecture, interior design and decoration, decorative arts, urban planning & design and regional planning, construction management, economics, law, environment, rural development and other allied areas. GIA Library provides access to wide range of comprehensive and suitable information resources and services to support the teaching and research needs of students and faculty.

Mission and Vision
“Our mission is to support the academic and research needs of our students and faculty by providing access to comprehensive resources in architecture and town planning.”
Library Collection & Services
The library collection includes reference books, current journals, back volumes of periodicals, theses and dissertation reports, reading materials, maps, newspapers, e-resources such as e-journals, e-books, CDs/DVDs, videos, free internet resources, and library services like OPAC service, reference service, inter-library loan service, scanning and photocopy service, book bank service, press clipping service, and reservation of books.